Born in Oceanside, CA but growing up on the island of Pensacola Beach, FL, all aspects of water became part of her soul. Shortly after graduating with a BFA, focusing on color theory and oil painting she moved to Jacksonville,FL sand joined Rio Hair Studio. Using her visual skills and knowledge of color, she hand-painted the canvas of hair to look natural, as if kissed by the sun. Among her favorite talents in hair design are the sculptural aspects of up-styling formal hair.
Unlike the more direct intentions of hair, painting is more emotionally driven with and allows her to check out from the daily grind. During the event of artistic creation, emotions turn into a pleasure of spontaneity and a wild freedom when building a bridge between the world within and the world without. This world can be broadened or erased, it can be left loose and raw or stricken with strong detail, it can be covered up or added to. It is a happening where she can express her spirit in confidence but all the while without consequence.